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Saturday, August 1, 2009
Kim Kyung Ah Autograph!
My favourite sportswoman is playing off with club chongqing kangde at the china's internal aunnal table tennis competition. and i happen to got to know one of her fans through internet and she offered to get her autographs for me. how sweet! i'm so thrilled at these 4 autographs, which i received yesterday. thanks a million, i'll treasure them well.

(sc) ♥ 12:01 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Doctor's new employee
Today Janice came again! ^^ The more I look at her, the more I feels that she’s gorgeous (in my definition)! Whenever she comes, my day will be brightened up. As I know this is probably my last time seeing her, I grab the chance to chat with her about her course in law. I asked her what she did in law, she says it’s just like any other course, lectures, tutorials, presentations, reports etc, except that they have debates. And she told me she has friends who enter law with only 2 Ace. What matters is the interview, she added. Zzz… I regret for not trying to apply for law. But at the same time, I wasn’t that interested in law; the only reason why I intend to apply is because it’s prestigious, i.e. applying for the sake of apply. And Janice wont be there, so what’s the point of getting into law.

Today doctor’s potential new employee came. Zzz… another prc who’s computer illiterate. She doesn’t know how to spell “fifty” can you imagine?! I use three words to describe her as a comparison to the previous person--- slightly more clever. I hate teaching people; especially those who are extremely slow. Now I realize I’m not cut out to teach people, my patience is very limited. Well, if I’m the doctor, I will definitely pick someone smart, no need to be as clever as me, at least get things fast. Don’t let me teach you 10 times and the 11th time you still tell me you don’t know. Seriously, I feel that I’m more efficient on my own.

Anyway, the new person is an aunty, maybe a little younger than my mother. She has a daughter in primary four. Apparently her daughter is having exams recently, she appeared to be very concern. Please lar, only p4, so 紧张 for what?! I rmb in p4, I was caught by my form teacher for reading 环珠格格 under the table. (That show was very popular during that time) But I top the level in the streaming exam. Don’t talk about stress, I don’t even remember myself studying. I was like, watching the show 环珠格格everyday! Dots. Primary sch just play lar, don’t care about exam. It’s your only time to enjoy in your 12 years of compulsory education.

Anyway my mom changed the plan for out broadband. It’s downgraded from 10mbps to 2mbps because she doesn’t want to foot the extra 20 bucks per month. But my speed is being reduced dramatically. Something 20plus MB takes like 7 hours to download?! =.= So when nanny sends me a compressed folder of songs, I have to leave the laptop on to download over night. With this kind of speed, I will never be able to play any fun online games. If I open too many windows, I’ll lag in bridge. Zzz… I rather go library play, its much faster.
(sc) ♥ 12:09 AM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
You are the champion!

My pretty girl, Janice, visited today. I’m so delighted! As usual, she smiled so sweetly at me. I’m in such a good mood that I decide to write this entry.

Do you remember Robina Muqimyar, the 100m-sprint athlete who represented Afghanistan Beijing Olympics? I have mentioned her story and I picked it up yesterday. While searching for several video clips about her, I learned more about her team mate Mehbooba Andyar (who disappeared in Italy just 2 weeks before the 2008 Olympics), as well as an Iraqi athlete, Dana Hussain, who wore a second-hand new balance spikes for her match and who risked her life to train in a country torn by war. As I was watching these clips, I tried very hard not to tear. Once again these people, whom the Chinese media labeled as “people you should never forget”, touched me. I don’t know how much hardship the girls have endured to make it to Beijing, but they deserve all my utmost respect. I’ve missed out so much last year because of the stupid a levels. I really look forward to 2012, I’m determined to watch everything, especially the track and field matches.

In an interview with Robina, she told Chinese reporter that she could only train at night, mostly in her backyard, on concrete ground, when her neighbors were watching TV. Even though her life may be endangered, she does not regret for participating in the Olympics. She just wants to change people’s perception of woman in Afghanistan. I totally agree with one of her statement that the Chinese media highlighted “if only Afghanis athlete could have proper trainings with better equipments and training grounds, we can be as good as any others.” Many Chinese netizens praised her as the Hua Mu Lan (a legendary female hero who conscripted into the army in place of her father) of Afghanistan. She may be the last to finish her race, but she was the champion in everyone’s heart. I am so touched by her passion for sports and determination to change her society. It’s a pity that due to high living expenses, she has to go back immediately after her race and she only stayed 2 days in Beijing. (Click me to watch the video clip)

Dana Hussain's story is another one that will move you to tears. (Click me to watch the video clip).

In another video clip featuring the interview of Andyar, her mother said something that leaves me with a very deep impression, “the Quran taught man and woman to be equal, but this is not happening in Afghanistan.” (Click me to watch the video clip) Here's a video that features what happened to Andyar after her disappearance. (Click me to watch the video clip)

Here I am raising the issue on gender equality again. I have done a lot of reading on this issue in preparation for GP. The most frequently asked question is “can man and woman ever be equal?” My answer is definitely NO, not until everybody has homogenous biological traits (which is deemed impossible).

I believe the idea of suppressing woman is not a teaching in any religion, not even in Confucianism. It’s the ruling party (most, if not all are males) that distorted the teachings to suit their own greed. Confucian merely suggested that woman should be homemakers while man are breadwinners, yet for thousands of years man dictate over woman in the Ancient Japan, China and Korea. The only exceptional was Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in the Chinese history. The situation is the same in middles east. Till today, women have to wear veil and are banned from driving in Arab, the supposedly more opened Islamic country. Perceptions are changing in many parts of the world today but the revolutionary force has yet to reach the Middle East countries like Afghanistan. There’s nothing wrong with Islamic teachings, people’s perception are wrong and outdated, thanks to the war that prolonged for nearly thirty years.

I don’t understand why according to Prophet Muhammed’s teaching (as it claims), when a woman looks at or talk to another man other than her family members, she is betraying her husband. What rubbish is that?! If such behavior is expected of a woman, then why is a man allowed to look at other woman? Isn’t he betraying his wife too? If these so call sage are not lustful, greedy idiots, why do they propose that a man can have many wives but a woman must remain faithful to her one and only husband for all her life.

I’ll never believe a single word from Confucian’s indoctrinate. 修身齐家治国平天下?RUBBISH! Don’t talk about how well they rule, look at how many scandals have you seen on prominent political figures like Clinton? And many more have divorced and remarried many times. Given numerous examples out there, it’s very possible to conclude that we don’t have to 修身and 齐家 to 治国,平天下.

So much for my penny of thoughts on equality. Now lets go back on the topic about our Olympic heroes. Their stories are living examples of damages from war. We see how prolonged wars have ruined Iraq and Afghanistan, the once most prosperous countries in the Middle East. (Iraq, known as Persia, was one of the richest countries along the ancient Silk Road) On today straits time, Us-led air strikes has again caused over 100 casualties and deaths of Afghanis civilians, mostly woman and children. What idiots! I hope your plan crash in the deserts. At this point in time, I really wish for world peace. Let the 3rd world countries revive on their own, interception will cause only more harm than good.

As for how Robina fare after her return to Afghanistan, I shall try to find out tonight.

(sc) ♥ 10:28 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kangxi Exhibition
I read an article on Monday’s straits time (life) of an interview with Mike Rowe, the host of reality show Dirty jobs. When asked what was his worst job done for the program, he said “And the worst one would probably be castrating sheep with my mouth. That’s the way they do it in Colorado and that’s the way they’ve done it for centuries. Biting testicles off a sheep is not something I want to do again.” Well, that’s utterly disgusting. It simply reminds me of this raping case in Singapore some years back in which the victim was forced to do it orally for the pervert. Perhaps because she was too nervous, she accidentally bites of his ‘little brother’ (not sure if it’s the ball or the banana itself), leaving him running away with a blood trial. To ensure that they will never be able to commit similar crime again, I suggest rapist to be castrated instead of just canning or jailing them. Castration is the one and only effective method to eliminate repeat commitment and reduce future cases.

Anyway, lets come back to the main topic of this entry. I went for the Kangxi exhibition at the Asian Civilization Museum yesterday. To those of you whose response to this is “ewww… no I’m not interested” you are totally wrong. It’s awesome. Its not just about history, the various artifacts and science the evolve at that time is simply fantastic.

I am utterly amused by the 22m scroll and the 88m scroll, the former is a depiction of Kangxi’s trip to the Jiang Nan 江南 and the latter featured the celebration of Kangxi’s 60th birthday. But only 10m of each are shown in the exhibition. The scrolls are fabulously impressive. You’ll never have imaging they have such artistic skills some 300 years ago. Even the smallest detail such as the horse’s mare or the buns sold in eateries is taken care of. After getting a glimpse at the royal treasure, I’ll not set eyes on any modern art work (and say: that’s nice) again. Nothing can be compared to the ancient fine art work.

Of course, the royal portraits are equally awesome. The carpet in the paintings are made of real carpet texture with the dragon or phoenix pattern and perhaps gold was used in the paint, the colors are as bright and fresh as if they are just painted.

Another treasure that drew my attention was the Chinas, know as 珐琅彩瓷器。These bowls, vases or wine cups are beautifully decorated with intrigued patterns. These treasures can only be used in by the royal family members and were prohibited for use by anyone else. Until today, nobody knows how these artifacts are made and what the raw materials they used. Last year, there was one man in china who successfully cloned these Chinas after more than 10 years of repeat research and experiments.

Besides, the ancient calculator, the mathematical values and tools (including compasses, protractor) and the old map of Beijing are also something that you should not miss. The only thing that comes to my mind is: HOW DID THEY DO IT?!

I’m particularly attracted to this online game, which allows you to explore the Forbidden City virtually. You get to see how the emperor’s life was like and the activities they do. I spent more than 30 mins playing with it until a bunch of secondary kids (they stinks) crowd over. Zzzz…

Honestly, I pity the emperor. Though he is regarded as the son of heaven and enjoyed superior, unchallenged (may not always holds) power as well as the best things man can enjoy, he leads a boring life. He spent his days spent on reading the memorials submitted by his subjects and replies to them personally. Many rulers (as true for Choson Korea Rulers) suffered eyesight failure due to the numerous amount to reading under dimly lilted light (they only have candles then). Many also suffered ill health and died young (considering they rarely have the opportunity to exercise since they are always carried around). If they are incapable, they face the threat of being overthrown. There were many attempts of subjects usurping the throne throughout the history of china.

The emperor may have 3000 woman in his backyard. But I suppose few of them are consider beauties. In fact the empress and some of his concubines are usually rather ugly because their selection is tied to political purpose. I flipped this book in the Museum shop and saw some photos of the empress and concubines in the later Qing Dynasty. I just want to vomit. If I’m the emperor I would cry. These woman are simply normal or slightly ugly looking. The most prominent is perhaps Cixi 慈禧太后, she just looks like an ordinary old woman that you find on any street. The last emperor, Puyi’s empress Wanrong 婉容皇后is none where near pretty either. But Kangxi’s empresses (based on their portraits) looked alright. No wonder its always been said that the Qing emperors loved to travel to Jiang Nan (as it is know for its scenery and beauties). Hence, the conclusion is Han Chinese just looked better than the Manchu.

(sc) ♥ 11:13 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A summary of what i do in the clinic
i start my day by waiting for the doctor to open the door. although we are supposed to open at 10am, she always comes at least 10 min later. she's forever late. but there's a few times that i am later than her.

the first thing that i do is to start the laptop, then i'll wipe the table and the bed in the doctor's 2 rooms (but sometimes i'm too lazy to do that). then i'll prepare the doctor's drink. there's 4 types of drink:
1. plain water
2. herbal tea
3. chlorophyll drink
4. wheat grass drink.

my main job scope consist of:
1. Dispensing mixtures and pills/tablets

2. Registration

3. Arranging the medical records

4. Acting as Cashier

5. Data entry

a) orders

b) stock check

c) patient records using the software

6. Answering phone calls

Besides, i also do other miscellaneous tasks, including

1. Pour alcohol

2. wash tower

3. wash bottles

4. water the plants

5. pack powder

6. make cotton balls

7. make pills

8. wash cups

when there's no patients, i'll try to pack powders (its a never ending job) to pretend to be busy. however, if i'm lazy i'll either read a book or watch drama from my phone. haha nowadays, its quite slack in the middle of the day because patients usually come in the morning or evening.
(sc) ♥ 2:06 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
As I was saying, pretty girls usually marry rich and ugly old men. This reminds me of the Chinese idiom: 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上. It makes some sense for pretty girls make their choices when those old men are filthy rich, just as cow dung are nutritious. There is another couple with a great age gap that visit the clinic. The husband is a shaky and wobbly old man who is probably in his late 70s or 80s while the wife is at most 60 year old (she looks around 50+). But the old man is probably not that rich because they live in HDB.

In Choson Korea, many Queens widowed early because their husband either died young or they have more than one wives. The couple with the greatest age gap is King Yojo (the 21st king of Choson Dynasty) and his second Queen, Queen Chongsun. In his 66th year, King Yojo married his second Queen who was only 16 then. When Yojo died at the age of 84, Queen Chongsun was only 34. These poor Choson girls have no right to choose but at least they get to be the Mother of the country and enjoyed political power (for some) and the best things in their times.

These days (unlike the past where we lived under monarchy rules) we have the freedom to choose. Given a choice, why would someone wants to marry an ah peck who maybe old enough to be her dad (or even older)? Imaging when you are only 40, he’s already turn 60, old enough to be your children’s grandpa! If he’s rich, at least you can enjoy a luxurious life but if he’s poor and feeble, you better wish yourself good luck.

Anyway, just now there’s this humorous and nice patient came in. He’s a big size man and has a twin brother. He talks to the doctor about how he and his brother were always mistaken for each other. I’ve seen his brother, a much quiet and bigger size guy. Then the topic turned to why his daughter is only 2 when he has married for 10 years. He replied something like his wife and him were too stressed so once they went to some resort to relax. But the room has nothing, only 4 walls, and there isn’t a toilet, only some basin for you to wash you face. He said, that was not the right atmosphere at all, who would still have to mood to do ‘it’. Nevertheless, after some time his wife was pregnant unintentionally so gave birth to his baby daughter in 2007. While he was talking, I caught every word. Lol don’t he know that I’m outside.

The HK lady visited the clinic 3 times this week, on Tuesday, Thursday and today. She finally wore something else or her 2nd and 3rd visit but her clothes were all purple (almost the same shade of purple) in color and the same style, accompanied with jeans!!! When she came in yesterday, I was so surprised and asked if she only wanted to speak to the doctor or consult her. She said she wants to consult the doctor. And today I gave a blank look cuz I was just so amazed that she came everyday. She also noticed it and she smiled and said she only wants to get some medicine. Honestly, she’s a nice lady and I think her hairstyle is nice.

Yesterday I received my acceptance letter from NUS bba along with a freshmen guide. Wow they are really efficient consider that I have only submitted my application (and most importantly, paid the registration fees) on the previous Sunday. I was wondering where’s my double degree and papayia told me they will only start to shortlist in April. Since I already secured my place in NUS, its up to me whether I bother to fill in the application for SMU. Their form is very irritating, still have to write essay, as if I bother. Majority of the best and the top students have flown off to UK and US. I believe with my grades (other than law and medicine, for which the second one I’m not qualified because I took neither physics nor bio), I can be accepted into any course I want without filling in any other things (eg other talents and achievements which I don’t think I have any).

I think I’m really lucky to have scored well for As (I’m strictly a free-thinker but I’m inclined to believe in traditional Chinese religion like Buddhism, don’t try to influence me with Christianity, I’ll never give my faith to it). The amount of hard work you put it does not matter, I believe it is how well your mind can process at the point of time when you took the paper. I have never put in much effort in gp. I know I’m hopeless and was really giving it up (I had expected a C or D). All I had done is read TIMES (my bedtime story. The only reason I’ve done so is that I found it interesting) and I happened to put in what I had read in the essay I’ve written. That’s pure luck (perhaps with a little effort). I’m totally convinced of the phrase 船到桥头自然直。

Now all the trouble is on writing essay for scholarship application for NUS and NTU (almost the same shitty question). So sick, gues
(sc) ♥ 9:31 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The beauty
I have not been blogging, ceased writing my own entry nor read the entries of others. You wonder what I’ve been doing. Apart from trying to crap up nonsense for scholarship application essays, I’ve been playing this dumb and lame game (I don’t even know why I am playing it). Finally today I feel like writing something (when I’m penning this I am still in the clinic counting down 1 ½ hour to dismissal).

She’s one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen so up close, not on TV, neither in the billboards. She’s the doctor’s friend coming to ask her out for tea (but the doctor is simply too busy for that). The first sight wasn’t something fascinating, but as I took a second look at her, I noticed her exceptional beauty. Considering she’s a woman in her forties, maybe going fifties (cuz she’s the doctor’s friend, so probably around the same age), she must really be a great beauty in her youth days. But not the least does she looks her age, she look somewhat in her thirties! The only things that were imperfect were her teeth (which were not straight) and her dressing sense (she wore a pale light brown shirt dress and a bright, fiery red skinny, I really think that these do not match).

I have always believed in destiny and this time my stand becomes even firmer. If I have quitted in early march, I wouldn’t have this encounter with the beauty.

While the beauty waits for the doctor, I just can’t help but stare (or rather, peep) at her in awe. As she’s sitting on the sofa that faces the back of the clinic, I could only catch her side view, but it’s equally nice to admire (I believe she’s very rich, not only because of how she carries herself, the doctor also said something like 你赚的更多). Meanwhile, I tried to dispense as fast as possible. 2 new patients came in at this time. I’m so annoyed to register for them cuz they blocked the little window from which I can look outside. I even have forgotten to ask an Indian guy to give his contact number.

After reading her book for sometime, because patients were streaming in, the beauty decided to give up waiting for the doctor for tea. As she chats with the doctor, I took opportunity to take some good look at her. This is my probably be my first and only time that I get to see her. Then she asked my for the doctor’s name card. She’s so pretty (and attractive) that my heart almost jumped out of my mouth as she talked and smiled at me.

I am finally able to settle down to work seriously when she left. Please let me see her again. I really hope she will visit again soon. Vania commented that I’m having lesbian tendency at work (what’s wrong with it?! Don’t you think that I’ve always been like that?!).

Just now I got the chance to ask the doctor for her age. Guess the reply!!! The doctor said: 她啊,年纪很大了,50吧。(omg, are you kidding me! She looks at least 20 years younger in my point of view) 为什么你问?(因为她看起来很年轻)打扮咯。她很漂亮,可是她老公很丑。她老公好像大她20岁。

This is definitely not what I would like to hear. As the saying goes: the truth always hurts. The beauty reminded me of Gigi 黎姿, she also married to this handicapped old man (but bloody rich). Her husband must be really rich too – bloody rich dirty old man.

Conclusion: many (if not, most) pretty girls marry ugly rich old man. (do you still wants to be pretty?)

Now this hongkong woman came in. I think I’ve mentioned her in one of my previous post. She’s wearing the same thing again! AGAIN! A creased (I don’t really know how to describe) dark purple top plus jeans!!! She’s forever wearing this set when she comes for visit. Haha!

Today there’s 20 patients so far. I’m busy like mad (relatively, but am still free to write this and read some novel of mine). Tonight I’m going to give tuition to this sec 4 normal academic kid. I started last week, teaching his combine science and Chinese (what a weird combination). Its easy earn money haha. $200 per month for 4 hours. Imaging I have 5 students, I can earn 1k per month just by working 10 hours per week. Thus I strongly believe that as you go up the chain, (from tertiary to quinery for my case), you salary grows.

(sc) ♥ 9:13 AM
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