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Saturday, June 28, 2008
viv's korea trip
went to eat sushi with yiwen yesterday after school, met viv on bus 67. quite happy to meet her, i think this is the first time seeing her this year. she COMPLAINED to me about her trip to korea, according to viv, here are some of her major source of discontentments:

"korean food sucks. the beansprout are so long (she gestured with her 2 second fingers, displaying them at a width of about 10 cm) and theirs heads are so huge (she estimated the size using her right thumb and second finger), when you eat them, you are practially eating beansprout heads. and the barbeque meat, i guess they dont know how to marinate, it taste like nothing but charred susbstance. and omg i have to eat kimchi for every meal. on my 7 day stay in korea, how badly i craved for yong toufu. i came back and ate it 5 times in a single day. gernerally, the food is really bad. after every meal the tour guide will ask us if we are full. notcied that he did not asked us if the food was good, he asked us if we have had enough. so i guess koreans are not particular about food, they eat whatever that's healthy. and i have to stress, KOREAN FOOD TASTE REALLY BAD!"

tt's really out of my expectation. i used to think that korean food are very nice, at least those korean barbeque in singapore do. so what they featured in Dae Jang Geum is only a "korean" interpretation of what they call their "delicacies".

"the chopsticks we used are 2 short and flat sticks. its extremely hard for us to eat, especially when you cant lift up your rice bowl as its so hot (cuz the bowl were made of metal). i asked why they made the chopstick so short, the response was that in aisa, we require long chopstick to reach out for shared dishes but in korea, you dont have to do so. and why is it flat? simply becuz it is an easier process making flat chopstick rather than those round ones."

next time i will bring my own chopstick if i ever have the chance to go to korea.

"everything in korea is so expensive, guess how much one bowl of instant noodles cost? 6 DOLLARS!!! YES 6 DOLLARS!!!! (she claps the back of her right hand against her left palm). and their smallest not is 10000 won (thats about s$14), so everyday i have to keep a thick stack of notes in my wallet, cant even close it. "

i'll bing my own instant noodle and biscuits as well.

"their palace is so small, without me realise it, we are already at the end of the palace tour. forbidden city in china has 999 pavillions, they have only 99 in korea."

she's referring to the Chang'dok Palace (昌德宮, palace of prospering virtue) of choson dynasty, also referred to as the East Palace as it is located in the east of Gyong'bok Palace (景福宫). it became the main palace of choson dynast in the 17th century after the burning down of Gyong'bok Palace.

"one thing i've notice about korean woman, they wont go onto the streets without putting on make up!"
shall talk about my lunch with yiwen. we intend to eat buffect at suki sushi at lot one, but apparently due to renovation work, the outlet is no longer in business. so we left with no choice but to surrender to eating sakae sushi. they suck, dont even have sashimi. i ate so much rice that i dont feel like eating anymore for the whole of next week.
nevertheless, had a good chat (gossip) with yiwen. according to yiwen, here are some interesting facts:
-why do some people have what you call "fu qi lian"? according to scientific research, apparently humans have this special affinity towards someone one looks like you. true enough, to be able to live with someone for the rest of your life, you have to be comfortable with his/her appearance.
-yiwen has an expressive face. and she certainly loves to put up an act cute and innocent face.
-cant rmb what other rubbish we bitched about. (as i've said they are rubbish) will update when i rediscover my memory.
met debbie on the way home, she's going over to australia soon. all the best~

(sc) ♥ 2:44 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
朝鲜世子嫔惠庆宫洪氏 (18/06/1735-15/12/1815)























(sc) ♥ 12:16 AM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Review of Path to the Great dynasty (帝王之路), my all time favourite
Review of Path to the Great dynasty (帝王之路), my all time favourite

my review of the drama.

It’s a bit very long…The drama begins somewhere before the time when Princess Hwap’yong (Hwap’yong Ongju 和平翁主) died of childbirth and ends with Prince Sado (Sado Seja 思悼世子) dying in the rice chest. The events are mostly authentic; some lines of speech are even exactly the same with that in Lady Hyegyong’s memories (Memoirs of a Korean Queen: Lady Hyegyong), all except for the part about Princess Hwawan (Hwawan Ongju 和缓翁主).

In the drama, Princess Hwawan is said to be secretly in love with Prince Sado (She once asked (hint) him “there is a person whom I’m deeply admired with. But I know clearly that I can never be with him in this life. What should I do?”), thus doing her best to help him, and enjoyed a cordial relationship with *Lady Hyegyong. However, the actual character of Princess Hwawan totally differs. According to Lady Hyegyong’s biographical narratives, Princess Hwawan is portrayed as a capricious, power-hungry, domineering and ignorant woman. Though she did helped Prince Sado, coming to his rescue during many perilous situations, and even mad it possible to obtain royal permission for the Prince’s trip to Onyang, she did these only under the pressure of Prince Sado’s threats.

After Sado’s death, being the apple of her father, King Yongjo’s (英祖大王) eyes, she wielded great power. Together with her adopted son, Chong Hugyom (郑厚谦, she planned evil plots to get rid of and harm people in order to be the sole object of her father’s affection. She estranged King Chongjo (正祖大王), then the Grand Heir, with his Queen, alienate him form Lady Hyegyong and harm the Hong Family (Lady Hyegyong’s family), which is one of the factors leading to the fall of the Hong family.

In her memoirs, Lady Hygeyong referred to Princess Hwawan as Madam Chong, which is indicating a person of unimportance and of a **lower status. This clearly shows Lady Hyegyong’s resentment towards her.

Lady Hyegyong says in her memoirs “ There are 2 versions of the incident (Sado incident) of that year (1762). Both are equally narrow, one sided and untrue one is that His Majesty’s (King Yongjo) decisions was noble and just, one to be uphold as estimable to Heaven and Earth…In short, Prince Sado is turned into an unfilial person and a criminal…The other version is that, though Prince Sado had no illness, His Majesty listened to slanders and committed that terribly excessive act (imprisoning Sado into the rice chest).”This drama is more inclined to the second version, as Prince Sado’s illness seemed to be deliberately avoided. For example, his obsession with Pingae (Park Kyongbin 朴景嫔, one of his secondary consorts, is omitted, as well as his phobia on clothes. His madness is totally not talked about.

In addition, the drama portrays him as enjoying an intimate relationship with Lady Hyegyong, he loved and cared about her. But the truth is, he never really cared about her, as well as his other secondary consorts because of his illness. Lady Hyegyong says in he memoirs“he has not being talking to me in a friendly and intimate manner for several years.”

*The title “Hyegyong (惠庆”is given to her after the death of Prince Sado. Her official status is the Crown Princess Consort of Crown Prince Sado. During King Chongjo’s reign, her status was elevated to “Hyegyong-gung (惠庆宫”. She was posthumously given the title “Queen Kyongui (Kyonggui Wanghu 敬懿王后)” during King Kongjo’s (高宗) reign.
**In 1778, under official pressure, King Chongjo stripped her of her royal title and the privileges associated with it and banish her to Kanghwa Island (江华岛)

PostscriptPersonally, I feel that the beginning of the drama is somehow too exaggerated. By saying this, I’m referring to the actor and actress. At the time of filming (year 2001), Hong Rina is 33 and Eim Ho 30. Despite this, they are supposed to act as 13-year-old Lady Hyegyong and Prince Sado. Frankly speaking, no matter of their makeup, this is impossible and they do not look the least bit like teenagers. Eim Ho’s face is even “decorated” with beards. Nevertheless, this drama is certainly worth watching. You must watch it if you are a fan of Hong Rin. Her exceptionally acting skills is highly demonstrated in the drama. And she’s really very charming in traditional Korean costume (hanbok), her beauty can be compared to that of any Miss Universe/International/Korea etc. (I’m not exaggerating the facts!)

Lady Hyegyong

Prince Sado and Lady Hyegyong

the chinese version:

《帝王之路》剧情说世子是无辜的,之所以被赐死是因为英祖听信了奸臣(包括文成国)的流言蜚语。但事实并非如此。《恨中录》里是这样记载的(这是我个人翻译的,翻译得不好,请凑合着看):“最初的时候,先王陛下(英祖大王)的确不爱护、关心他的儿子。但最终,他实在是在迫于无奈的情形下才做了那样的决定。至于思悼世子,虽然他与生俱来的宽阔的胸襟和仁慈的本性值得仰慕,可是他的确疯了,而且无可救药。为了国家的存亡,他不得不成了牺牲品。…… 无论是一味的谴责先王陛下,或坚实世子没病,还是将造成壬午事件的罪责加诸在当朝官臣身上,都不过是在歪曲事实。而且这对先王陛下,思悼世子还有先王(正祖大王)来说,无非是一种不公平的侮辱。”由此可见,剧情是错误的。





Princess Hwahyop 和协翁主
(sc) ♥ 1:14 AM
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