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Saturday, January 31, 2009
interesting patients (4)
there are so many koreans visiting the clinic. today there are 4 and all with the surname KIM. lol... they are referred here by one person: a korean man also with the surname 'kim'. according to doctor koo, he owns a korean restaurant in amara hotel. every korean that visit his restaurant ends up in our clinic.

i've recently purchased 2 books from seoul selection, an online store based in korea. it sells a variety of goods ranging from books to cd, dvd and games.

one of the books is called virtuous woman of korea. i've been looking for it for sometimes. i'm interested in the section called 'the true history of queen inhyon'. she's the wife of king sukjong and her tragic story revolves around elements associated with black magic. the other book i bought is one that i have seen in national library, one that talks about choson imperial culture and arts. i dont understand why they put such book in the reference section. i'm sure in the whole of singapore, only i'm interested in such books. tt's why they are all so new, with only shelf marks.
(sc) ♥ 6:08 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009






根据《正祖实录》,当正祖继位,申光绥与和缓翁主之养子郑厚谦同流合污,谋害正祖。(正祖 1卷:惟彼 厚謙 故都尉 申光綏 卽天生妖孽禍胎所鍾也。)1778年,已故的申光绥被削去爵位。(正祖 3卷:司諫李顯永上疏 請追削申光綏爵秩...批曰 申光綏事依施...)




对于和协翁主的逝世,思悼世子悲痛万分。他在所著的《凌虚关漫稿》写道 “吾於此姊。別有顧念之情。而今忽奄逝。此慟何比。無以躬臨洩哀。卽余至恨。”(我对于这个姐姐特别眷恋,今天她忽然逝世, 我感到无比地悲伤,却不能亲自行礼哀悼,为此非常遗憾。)他也为和协翁主写下祭文,表达思念之情。我想,就算到了最后无可救药的地步,如果这位姐姐仍然在世,也只有她可以唤醒陷入疯狂的思悼世子。


癸酉年(1753),承旨南有容为和协翁主写了挽词,收录在《雷渊集》中。 “沁園花樹日芳菲。帝子雲中樂未歸。瑤鏡自懸鸞不舞。玉簫無響鳳休飛。宮娥忍淚收華珮。夫族迎魂哭素幃。耐說六龍臨第日。秪今行路亦沾衣。



英祖 56卷
戊寅/上引見大臣、備堂。 領議政 金在魯 請東宮冠禮、嘉禮, 待新曆涓吉行之, 上曰: “冠禮則待春涓日, 嘉禮則待 和協翁主 釐降之後, 其以翌年定行也。” 聖意以翁主, 是東宮之姊, 故蓋爲其重倫序也。


英祖 57卷
壬寅/封翁主號 和協翁主 。


英祖 57卷
丙午/上引見大臣、備堂。 領議政 金在魯 等請先行東宮嘉禮, 上以 和協翁主 年長而未嫁難之, 問于諸臣曰: “倒婚非俗忌乎?” 大臣曰: “男女異序, 儲位等級尤截然, 非可以此爲拘也。” 禮曹參判 吳光運 曰: “倒婚與再婚, 爲俗忌云, 而皆無稽之言也。 東宮爲宗廟、社稷之主, 則兄弟次第, 非可言也。 一國臣民, 擧皆顒望, 則俗忌非所拘也。 請從大臣之言, 先行東宮嘉禮。” 上曰: “男女雖異, 匕鬯雖重, 兄弟之序, 不可越也。 早婚非予意, 差遲亦一年間耳。 何難等待?” 命先擇 和協 釐降之期。


英祖 57卷
戊子/以 金尙迪 爲司諫, 李宗迪 爲副校理, 曹命敬 爲修撰, 沈瑎 爲 慶尙 左兵使, 申光綏 爲 永城尉 , 光綏 , 晩 之子, 尙 和協翁主 。


英祖 57卷
辛巳/命濬城內川渠, 撤軒懸。 又令廟堂, 申飭中外擾民之政。 時 和協翁主 婚期迫近, 上悶旱欲退行。 大臣曰: “不必退期。 凡百務從節損, 則亦修省之義也。” 上是之, 遂命減其繁文。 仍使左尹 元景夏 歸傳筵敎于駙馬家, 宴客之需, 亦勿用油果。 景夏 適入前席, 而爲駙馬之親屬故也。

英祖 78卷
上將幸 和協翁主第 , 副校理 蔡濟恭 再上箚諫之, 不從。 上以不卽聚軍, 命拿入兵曹判書 金尙星 、訓鍊大將 金聖應 。 而以奪符宣傳官, 不請標信, 行首宣傳官 李漢膺 寧海府 投畀, 副行首 徐赫修 施以軍律, 承旨李之億進曰: “闕門之外, 軍律未安。” 許上特寢之, 賜以貂帽。 及臨主第, 夜深不還宮, 藥房、政院、大臣幷請對, 不許。 將曉始回鑾


英祖 78卷
甲申/和協翁主卒。 上將幸主第, 夜未曉。 召見承旨 李之億 等, 命放 申思建 之謫, 停 和柔翁主 吉禮。 藥房都提調 金若魯 等請對, 上召見之。 若魯 等請念聖體之未寧, 姑寢臨幸之命, 上不從。 若魯 曰: “向歲 和平翁主 之喪, 殿下受傷非細, 臣至今痛恨。” 上厲聲曰: “予之受傷, 由於朝臣之黨論, 豈係於哭女之死乎?” 若魯 以俚語媚謝之。 上臨主第, 日向嚑不下回鑾之命。 副校理 蔡濟恭 上箚, 內局啓請還宮, 上從之。

(1752年 11月27日,和协翁主逝世,享年19岁。)

英祖 79卷
己卯/上幸 和協 翁主第, 以翁主之新葬也。


英祖 79卷
戊申/命釐正諸堂入侍。 釐正堂上 朴文秀 曰: “ 和協翁主 房各廛外上極浩多。 書員 全世範 侵虐市民, 怨聲載路。 若不重勘, 無以懲後矣。” 又請玄木二十同, 送于 和協 房, 使之卽償, 上曰: “ 世範 所爲極無狀。 令該曹勿爲徵贖, 從重嚴繩。” 又命玄木五十五同, 送于 和協 房。

英祖 79卷
命大臣、禮曹堂上、儒臣入侍。 上曰: “我國素稱禮義之邦, 則宜一遵典禮。 而今此翁主嘉禮, 予心有不安者, 禮堂、儒臣幷陳所見。” 左議政 李天輔 曰: “ 和協翁主 旣出嫁, 則在禮服當降等。 今此婚禮, 似無不可之理矣。” 禮曹判 書 洪鳳漢 曰: “翁主旣非朞年之制, 則嘉禮似無疑矣。” 承旨 嚴瑀 曰: “以私家言之, 服制爲大功, 則似無違於禮文矣。” 上曰: “予意必欲博採群議, 今則無疑矣”

英祖 82卷
壬寅/上幸 和協翁主 第, 夜深還宮。 行在不傳更鼓, 蓋是日以翁主祥日, 上不欲聞錚鼓故也。 又命公ㆍ翁主、大君、王子, 雖親盡, 定爲不祧之位, 俾爲定式。

英祖 89卷
...第八 和協翁主 下嫁 永城尉 申光綏 , 卽右議政 晩 子, 有繼子年幼...


英祖 91卷
乙巳/上幸 和順翁 主 房, 以其返虞之入來也。 王世子祗送祗迎于 敦化門 外。 上歷臨 和協翁主 、 和柔翁主 房。


英祖 127卷
甲申/令曰: “ 和恊翁主 遷葬日, 遣內侍致祭, 祭文令藝文館撰進。”

(sc) ♥ 10:39 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009

---献和协翁主 (1733-1752)









(sc) ♥ 9:51 PM
my clinical experience (1)
Recently i'm so slack. haha. on the average, i can watch up to 5 video clips (25 min length) per day. the clinic is esp free in the afternoon. today there's only one guy and a pretty woman (but she's married with kids =.=).

becuz we are so free, the doctor made me massage for her as she complained she has neck pain. she cant do any treatment for herself so i'm 'exploited'. i guess she treated me as a kid. i'm so obedient. but i realise my hands were weak and a while later my arms feel sore~~~ nevertheless, i did not complain bcuz she's my boss. 10 minutes later, the pretty woman came in and saved me.

later, the doctor went out and bought me some cupcakes. she said that the cupcakes are famous ard the area and patients always went to buy them after paying visit aat the clinic. lin fang maybe you will want to try some the next time you come to see the doctor.

this afternoon, the doctor went out twice and i sized the chance to lay on the sofa and slack. my favourite day is normally friday bcuz on fri the cleaner aunty will come to clean the clinic and she will mop the floor, clean the toilet, and most importantly, throw away the rubbish (which is usually my job). in addition, i get to slack when she's cleaning my room. but this week she came today. haha so this afternoon is really free for me. i ended early at 6.10pm!!!!

i'm looking forward to chinese new year cuz i've got one week of holiday (though it means $300+ less) but its a good time for me to rest and catch up with my dramas.
(sc) ♥ 7:54 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Eye scan
This are samples of eye scan. they are extremely gross (esp the first one), making my hairs stand whenever i look at it... eeewwww *shivers

(sc) ♥ 6:21 PM
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Interesting patients (3)
Patient number one is this girl called michelle. I eavesdropped her convo with the doctor and almost laughed my head off.

doctor (d): how's your menses?
michelle (m): more regular now
d: anymore constipation?!
m: can come out, but not shiok. i know shit got 2 kind. one is like banana, the other is like... (i missed out this part cuz i was laughing to much). for my case, i feel the urge to shit, but always not shiok...

(throughout her convo, she keep emphaising that her shitting is not shiok!!! haha)

patient number two came this after noon. she's a chinese girl who holds a work permit. she said that yesterday she had gone to have her back massaged but end up having back cramps. when she heard that we are tcm, she seemed very relcutant but in the end still decide to give it a try. i'm amazed at how the doctor convince her that tcm is good.

girl (g): 昨天我去按摩,结果早上起来背整个都好痛。
d: 你一定是伤风了。
g: 按摩完了没什么,可是早上就痛。哎哟疼死我了!
d: 你痛是因为肠胃有风,风出不来所以才痛。(eveybody also seem to have feng in their chang wei) 我给你拔罐和刮痧就不痛了。
g: 不要,我的背一碰就痛。
d: 你试一下,一下子就不痛了。
so the doctor went on to persuade her, she finally agreed.
d: 你看你的背上那么多红疹,肠胃不好,不可以吃辣的。(she said this to almost everybody)
g: 你刮得我好痛,我的背我都不敢去碰它了。

starting from this week, i noticed that the clinic remained rather empty throughout the day. usually in dec we have on average 20 patients per day but now the average falls to 10. i'm so bored with less things to do. everyday i have enough time to watch at least 2 25 mins video clips on my phone. in fact i have much more time to watch even more but in order to show my the doctor that i'm not a slacker, i tried very hard to find things to do for myself.

on monday, i made a bottle of capsules. yesterday i made another. today i folded 40 packets of powder in which the doctor sells each for $1 and whose content is a teaspoon full of powder... today the clinic is so empty that the doctor decide to do eye scan for me. for whatever reason, her program on the computer is not working properly so we spend a great deal of time trying to figure out. there are 2 programs, one is the advanced version and the other the normal one. we can only operate the normal one but not the advanced. i didnt managed to solve the problem.

so the doctor did eye scan for me with the normal program. eye scan is a way to examine the health of your various organs by observing the condition of your eye. lin fang will probably be doing it next week so i expect her to give greater details. anyway as we have a lot of time the doctor decided to teach me how to analysis a scan of your eyes. she showed me some samples, yucks they are gross, especially those with a lot of illness. their eyes are filled with a lot of black lines and holes... eewww the thought of it makes my hair stands.... let infang give you more details...
(sc) ♥ 9:24 PM
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